Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
Andhra Pradesh
Updates of Rajiv Gandhi Knowledge Technology University Results at rgukt.in
Student can look for the updates of Rajiv Gandhi Knowledge Technology University Results and Rgukt university results at the official website rgukt.in. At present, most universities in India and in Andhra Pradesh follow the affiliated college structure model where the main role of the university is to set the curriculum and conduct examinations to ensure that the students have indeed learned the material prescribed in the curriculum. Most colleges have an entering class of 100-300. Stay tuned with IndiaResults.com for all upcoming rgukt Exam results and Schedules of 2018 session. The primary objective of establishing RGUKT was to provide high quality educational opportunities for the aimed rural youth of Andhra Pradesh. The initial goal was that at least the top 1 % of the rural graduates would be given the opportunity to study at RGUKT.