Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth
Andhra Pradesh
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Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, a University established under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 is a premier instituion in the field of higher learning in Sanskrit studies, Trditional Sastras and Pedagogy. It is funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development through University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The vidyapeetha was established at Tirupati (A.P.) in 1961 by the Govt. of India on the recommendations of the Sanskrit Commission (1957) as an autonomous body under the name of Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Tirupati Society. Get Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha result or can also search for Rashtriya Sanskrit university result at their official website www.rsvidyapeetha.ac.in or at indiaresults.com.
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