Sri Sathya Sai University
Andhra Pradesh
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Student looking for updates of Sri Sathya Sai University Results and Sssu results or visit the official website The Sai educational institutions have been established not merely to enable students to earn a living but to make them acquire good traits, lead ideal lives, and give them ethical, moral and spiritual strength. I have established them with a view to inculcate love and teach good qualities to students. They will learn here humility, discipline and faith. The teaching of the university curricula is only the means employed for the end, namely, spiritual uplift, self-discovery and social service through love and detachment. Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences imparts education in multiple fields of Engineering, Pharmacy, Medical Sciences, Management, Computer Applications, Hotel Management, Education, Physical Education, Vocational Courses, allied Sciences, Arts, & Commerce through various faculties.
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